QUALIFICATIONS for Joining the WebRing
Here is the list that you need to comply with to be able to join Krazy's Celebrity WebRing
You MUST have a Web Page that is PERSONNAL (Non-Commercial) I do prefer that it is PG-13 RATED or below (With NO X-RATED or similar links)
This WebRing is for web pages about CELEBRITIES and is NOT picky about the Celebrity unless it is not PG-13 RATED
Your web page must be in ENGLISH (Sorry, but that is the only language that I speak) unless you have a translated site :-)
You must have an e-mail address that receives HOTMAIL e-mails and keep your e-mail address CURRENT (you will be returned to the queue if any e-mails I send out are returned)
You do NOT need to have more than 1 page in your directory (Just an Index.html is fine)
I seem to be having problems with some web pages that have JAVA and/or PLUG-INS (not all though), if your web page CRASHES my browser, I will not be able to admit you into Krazy's Celebrity WebRing (since I cannot check your site out)
MORE Qualifications may be added with no warning to anyone
How to JOIN the Krazy's Celebrity WebRing
Here are a few simple steps that are needed to join Krazy's Celebrity WebRing
Fill out the form below to register your site. Your page will them be in Krazy's Celebrity WebRing 'Queue', where it will remain until I add you to the ring. This DOES NOT insert you into the ring, that will be done later.
You will be sent an e-mail confirming your site's addition to the 'Queue', along with the HTML fragment that you will need to add to your site. Before you can be added to the ring, you will need to have the HTML fragment on your site. Please add the HTML to your page within 7 days.
Once you have added the HTML fragment to your site, e-mail me at KrazyWende@Hotmail.Com and I will check your HTML fragment to make sure your did the ring correctly (do not forget to include your site ID # and your URL). When I have verified the HTML fragment is on your site, I will then add you to the ring.
Krazy's Celebrity WebRing GUIDELINES
In order to the Krazy's Homepages WebRing, make sure that you have the following...
The HTML fragment appears on your page with your SITE ID #, NAME, and E-MAIL ADDRESS.
It does NOT have to be on the index page as long as you have a link back to the webring (on your site), but it does have to be located easily. If not, edit your site and change the URL to the page with Krazy's Celebrity WebRing html fragment.
Your e-mail needs to be kept current. If I find it is not, I will check your site for other E-mail addresses. If your e-mail address cannot be located, I will return you to the queue for 5 days. Then, unfortunately, I will have to remove you.
Occassionally, something may happen...New html fragments, notices, etc...I may have to e-mail you. Do not worry, if it is just a notice, it will be sent once or twice.
If Krazy's Celebrity html fragment cannot be located, or your e-mail address is nonfunctioning (if I can find an alternate one), I will have to return you to the queue and I will e-mail you once a day for up to 7 days before removing you from the queue.
If you have the html fragment on your site and it appears broken, e-mail me at KrazyWende@Hotmail.Com and I will tell you how to correct the errors.
You do not need to upload the gif's to your computer, it is on my site and will stay on the my site and may be changed.
You will need to add the HTML fragment that will be sent to you. If you do not receive the HTML fragment, please EDIT your site and you can get the HTML fragment there.
Krazy's Celebrity WebRing was made possible by WebRing.