Greetings and Salutations...
Why don't you pull up a chair, grab a Coca-Cola, which is what I drink, if you want to grab some coffee or tea, by all means...(*grin*), and stay a while...If you need to grab some food...go right ahead :-) But do not forget that you need to share!...(sorry, had to be said) (*grin*)...
Okay. Let me start by introducing myself...
My name is Krazy...No, that is not my real name...My real name is Wende...Yes, it is spelled that way...with no Y...
I was born in Japan in June of 1972...I have 1 older brother, a Japanese mother, and an American father...I moved to America with my family in May of 1978...We lived in California for approximately 2 years, then moved to Washington State...I am currently residing in Olympia, Washington...
I have made this site for me...I like to watch TV...and I thought I would make a web page about my favorite actors/actresses...
I have broken up my index.html file into 2 segments...Click Krazy's Celebrity Web Page Index to continue thru my web page...If you think that it takes too long to load, please feel free to check out Krazy's Celebrity Web Page Index - Text...
LOLOLOL...Well...I think that is all that I have to say for now...Take care...and have fun going thru my web page(s)...Bye Bye for now...Krazy (*grin*)(*hugs*)...
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